In this guide, we take a look at how to activate the new VippsMobilePay integration; the guide is in two steps and requires you to retrieve data from the VippsMobilePay portal to complete.
This is step two in the VippsMobilePay integration setup, please see the following guide for step one: How to - Find the VippsMobilePay data needed for setting up the integration.
When step one is done, log in to:
Navigate to the layer in the hierarchy of where the specific POS are located for which u want the VippsMobilePay payment button to show ➡ Select the POS365 tab to expand it ➡ Now click the VippsMobilePay button ➡ Now you enter the details found on your VippsMobilePay Portal*:
- ClientID
- Client Secret
- Ocp-Apim 1
- Ocp-Apim 2
- Merchant S/N
To activate the VippsMobilePay payment type, select the:
- Payment Flow (These are the payment flows that are provided by VippsMobilePay),
- UserQR
- With the UserQR payment method, the system sends a request to the customer's VippsMobilePay app when selecting VippsMobilePay in the payment window and lets you scan the QR code on their device (a QR code reader is required).
- DynamicQR
- With the DynamicQR payment method, the system generates and displays a QR code in the POS365 when selecting VippsMobilePay in the payment window, so your customer can scan it with their VippsMobilePay application on their own device.
- Userphone
- With the Userphone payment method, POS365, when selecting VippsMobilePay in the payment window, asks you to enter the customer phone number connected to their VippsMobilePay application and then sends the payment request to the customer VippsMobilePay application.
*When entering the customer phone number in POS365, for now, depending on the customer Vipps settings, you might need to add the country code in the phone number pop-up (Without 00 or +, e.g., in Denmark, it will look like "4522334455")
- With the Userphone payment method, POS365, when selecting VippsMobilePay in the payment window, asks you to enter the customer phone number connected to their VippsMobilePay application and then sends the payment request to the customer VippsMobilePay application.
- UserQR
And toggle the "Live" button to "On".
* To access the data needed from VippsMobilePay, please follow this guide: How to Find the VippsMobilePay data needed to set up the integration.
* To access the VippsMobilePay portal, please visit Vipps MobilePay Portal here.
* When activated, the VippsMobilePay payment button will be visible and possible to use from the payment page in POS365.